- The basics of contrast injectors; the different types, what they are used for and how to operate them. This is a comprehensive look at ALL contrast injector types. Once you finish this video, you will be qualified to move onto the training videos for the specific models of contrast injectors. So this video is your starting point.
- You must register with the website to take the course.
- You only need to take the course once, no matter how many models of injectors you intend on getting trained on.
- The course is online and it takes about half an hour.
- It’s FREE!
- These courses teach the service technician how to properly operate the contrast injector.
- You must have registered with the website and completed the Introduction to Contrast Injectors course before taking these courses.
- These courses are all online and take about half an hour each.
- They are all FREE!
Mark 7 Arterion® Operation Training
Spectris Solaris® Operation Training
- This software is a step by step guide through the PM and Calibration/Verification procedure. The BMET is performing the PM and filling out a PM Checksheet while being trained and guided through the PM procedure with detailed videos.
- A detailed PM Report is produced when complete.
- Models currently available are the Stellant, Mark 7 Arterion, Spectris Solaris, ProVis, and Mark V Plus.
- These are computer-based downloaded courses; the first time through the course you should give yourself at least two hours in most cases; roughly an hour each subsequent time.
- The BMET will receive a Training Certificate from Maull Biomedical Training for each model of injector once they have completed, in order:
- The Introduction to Contrast Injectors online course (only need to take once)
- The Model Specific Operation Training online course
- The Model Specific Service computer based course (email a copy of the final PM report to Maull Biomedical Training to receive credit for completing the training).
- The cost is $1200 per model if you are attending the in-class training, or $1100 if you are doing the online training.
- Download our Cost Savings Analysis to compare the cost of maintaining your injectors in-house vs. OEM Service Contract.